Container Mixing Pump CMP 30 4.0 Part 2: Overview – Operation – Spare Part Lists
Setting the water volume 37
Setting value of air compressor pressure switch
Setting value of air pressure switch 68
Setting value of water pressure switch 68
Setting values / settings 68
Sound power level 11
Spare parts drawings, spare parts lists 72
Spare parts list for air fitting CMP 30 4.0 91
Spare parts list for control box CMP 30 4.0 VA 89
Spare parts list for dosing tube CMP 30 4.0 79
Spare parts list for frame CMP 30 4.0 Art. No.
00628863 77
Spare parts list for pivoting motor flange Art. No.
00628865 73
Spare parts list for pump container with pump
shaft CMP 30 4.0 plus cpl. Item Number
00684014 85
Spare parts list for pump unit CMP 30 4.0 Item
Number 00628862 87
Spare parts list for rubber mixing tube Art. No.
00628868 75
Spare parts list for water fitting CMP 30 4.0 Item
Number 00628081 93
Spare parts list gear motor with sealing unit CMP
30 4.0 cpl. 83
Stopper will not come loose 55
Storage 21
Strainer screen in pressure reducer 65
Switch cabinet CMP 30 4.0 Item Number
00627311 96, 98, 100, 102
Switching off in an emergency 47
Switching off the air compressor 46
Switching off the CMP 30 4.0 61
Switching off the machine 38
Switching off the mixer 40
Switching on CMP 30 4.0) 37
Switching on the air compressor 43
Switching on the horizontal mixer 39
Switching on the machine after removing a
blockage 56
Switching on the machine again after a power
failure 49
Switching on the mixer 40
Switching over the step switch 38
Switching to automatic mode 44
Table of malfunctions 51
Technical data 10
Testing 7
Testing by machine operator 7
transport 21, 23
Transport 22
Transport by car or truck 22
Transport checklist 22
Transport with a forklift truck 23
Transportation of operational machines 24
Troubleshooting 50
Turning the step switch pump to manual operation
Type plate 12
Uncoupling the water hose 61
Using the remote control without spray gun 46
Vibrations 11
Water fitting CMP 30 4.0 Item Number 00628081
92, 94
Water from water barrel connection 37
Water supply connection 36