E • Frame Relay to ATM Internetworking
Model 3086 G.SHDSL Integrated Access Device User Guide
Generic Frame Relay
--> ip attach ip2 fr1
--> ip list interfaces
IP Interfaces:
ID | Name | IP Address | DHCP | Transport
1 | ip1 | | disabled | rfc1
2 | ip2 | | disabled | fr1
Attach the IP interfaces to the framerelay and atm transports that have been created
Connection 2:
Connection number 2 is created using the following mechanism through the CLI:
1. Create a frame relay connection using the “framerelay” CLI commands
2. Create an ATM connection using the “rfc1483” CLI commands
3. Create two bridge interfaces
4. Connect the atm and framerelay connections to the bridge interfaces
Example Connection 2
--> framerelay clear transports
--> ip clear interfaces
--> bridge clear interfaces
--> rfc1483 clear transports
Clear all transports and interfaces
--> framerelay add transport fr1 fr 171
Add framerelay transport with DLCI = 171
--> rfc1483 add transport rfc1 atm 100 200 llc bridged
Add rfc1483 connection with vpi=100, vci=200, atm link set to llc and bridged
--> bridge add interface br1
--> bridge add interface br2
Add two bridge interfaces
--> bridge attach br1 fr1
--> bridge attach br2 rfc1
Attach the transports to the bridge interfaces
--> ip add interface ip1
--> ip attachbridge ip1
Add an IP interface and attach to the bridge
Connection 3
Connection number 3 is created using the following mechanism through the CLI: