Errore. Per applicare Heading 1 al testo da visualizzare in questo punto, utilizzare la scheda
Hardware and logic electrodes
Please assimilate this concept because, although it is simple, it is very important to
understand the logic behind the operation of the stringings.
Hardware electrodes are the positions that the designer has physically foreseen for each
electrode as they exit the connector (the electrode with the lowest number is always the
one next to the connector).
Logic electrodes are the positions that the operator can decide to assign to each electrode
and which are independent of the physical position.
Suppose a 32-electrode linear measurement is to be carried out: electrodes 1 to 16 come
out of the first MPX and electrodes 17 to 32 come out of the second MPX. If we wanted
to connect all electrodes linearly, having said that the electrode with the lowest number
is the one closest to the connector on the ground, the sequence of hardware electrodes on
the left of POLARES 32 would be:
while on the right would be:
However, in order to measure along our linear profile, we need the sequence of electrodes
to start at 1 on the left and go up to 16 near the instrument and then continue with
electrodes 17 to 32 on the right. In order for this to be possible we will have to “rename”
1 of the first 16 electrodes and consequently the hardware electrode 16 will have to
become the logic electrode 1, the hardware electrode 15 will have to become the logic
electrode 2 and so on.
In conclusion, it follows that the position of the hardware electrodes is immutable while
the position of the logic electrodes is decided by us according to our needs. With reference
to FIG. 4, the positions of the logic electrodes are shown in black and those of the
hardware electrodes in red.