Errore. Per applicare Heading 1 al testo da visualizzare in questo punto, utilizzare la scheda
“HW Elec”: drop-down menu containing the number of the physical electrode
associated with the logic electrode, can be modified by the operator;
“X”: X component of the distance of the electrode from the origin, can be modified
by the operator;
“Y”: Y component of the distance of the electrode from the origin, can be modified
by the operator;
“Z”: Z component of the distance of the electrode from the origin, can be modified
by the operator.
By varying the number of the physical electrode there are certain automatisms which are
If you select an electrode belonging to a given physical MPX and ask for a
physical electrode value of 1 to be configured, a window will appear asking if you want
to change all electrode indices belonging to that MPX from 1 to the maximum number of
electrodes on the MPX. If the OK is not given, only the number of the individual electrode
will be changed.
If you select an electrode belonging to a given physical MPX and ask for the
maximum physical electrode value to be set, a window will appear asking if you want to
change all electrode indices belonging to that MPX from the maximum number of
electrodes on the MPX to 1. If the OK is not given, only the number of the individual
electrode will be changed.
By varying the number of the physical electrode associated with a logical
electrode, the number of the physical electrode that had the previous value for the
electrode on which the change was made is also automatically varied, so there will be no
duplicate physical electrodes on the different logical electrodes.
Upon exiting the electrode configuration window, a consistency check of the MPX and
physical electrodes configured on the various logical electrodes is performed; any
configuration errors will be signalled with a message to the operator, requesting their
Measurements configuration
The third page displaying the templates shows the list of measurements, the identifier of
the logical electrode associated with each role in the measurement (A, B, M and N) and
the calculated value of the geometric coefficient K with the position of the 4 electrodes
used. This table is automatically created by the system on the basis of the input data from
the Session parameters window, and cannot be modified by the operator.