Acquiring this concept, thanks to the software functions described later in the manual, it
will be possible to define an arbitrary position for each electrode (logic electrode)
independently of their hardware position.
After planning the stringing procedure (purpose of the measurement, type of stringing,
logistics, etc.), the field is prepared for the measurement by first clearing a strip (in the
case of linear measurements) or an area (in the case of 3D measurements) so that the
electrodes (stakes) and the measuring cable are clearly visible.
If the planned spacing is the same as the cable spacing, you can proceed by directly laying
the multi-electrode cable along the established profile, then driving the electrodes into the
ground beside each takeout to which they will be connected.
If the required spacing is smaller, it will of course be necessary to use a tape measure to
position the electrodes at the correct distance from each other before connecting them to
the respective takeouts on the cable.
The electrodes should be driven into the ground to a depth of about 1/3 of their length
and then connected to the takeouts on the cable by means of the appropriate connecting
cables, fitted with clips.