Output GPD format
The GPD (Geophysics Pasi Data) format is used to export the measurement sessions made
by the Polares 32 system to third party systems. This format is used for exporting data at
the end of the execution of the measurement session previously automatically saved in
BPD format by the system.
The format is also used for storing and transferring template files by means of the import
and export functions described in section 4.4: the files produced by the export function
will be in this format, and the input files supplied to the import function will have to be
in this format. A session file, produced using the “Save as” function from a BPD file and
therefore containing measurements already performed, can also be used as a normal
template file by loading it using the import function.
When exporting a BPD file in GPD format, only those measurements on which no
measurement error has occurred will be reported, i.e., measurements with “OK” status in
the session measurements table. Measurements that have been performed with an error
will be reported as not performed and not counted among the measurements performed.
A GPD file is a text file in ASCII characters, which can therefore be read with a normal
editor, but it is recommended that no manual changes be made to this type of file as it
may be rendered unreadable and unusable by the Polares 32 programme.
The GPD format is described in section 5.2 of this manual.
Input and output BPD format
The BPD (Binary Pasi Data) format is used for maintaining information about the
sessions created by the operator and the results of the measurements taken. These files
are stored on the PC hard disk; the preferred saving directory can be selected by the
operator within the system configuration window. Since these files are in binary format,
they cannot be read by the operator using an editor; they can only be read by the Polares
32 programme.
The files are then used as input to the programme for the execution of previously
configured measurement sessions, and as output of the results of the measurements
Output TXT format
The TXT format is the translation of the information contained in the BPD binary format
into a textual and human readable format. The format contains a lot of information related
to the hardware and electrical measurement parameters used during the execution of the
session measurements. Its use is primarily as a log to check for system malfunctions when