Errore. Per applicare Heading 1 al testo da visualizzare in questo punto, utilizzare la scheda
Meaning of Sigma value
The Sigma value associated with the measurements is calculated as the Mean square
feviation of the measured value of R and then reported as a percentage of the value of R
itself. It provides an indication of the variability of the measurement repetitions with
respect to the mean value, and thus a measure of the correctness of these measurements:
the lower the calculated Sigma, the closer the measurements are to the mean value of R
and thus the more accurate the measurement.
The maximum Sigma value accepted can be configured by the operator in the Electrical
parameters section of the Template or Session management (see sections 4.2.6 and 4.3.3).
As mentioned above, the higher the accepted Sigma value, the faster the measurement
(with fewer repetitions) and the lower the accuracy; the lower the accepted Sigma value,
the slower the measurement (with more repetitions) and the higher the accuracy.
Polares 32 automatically manages the correct termination of the measurement when the
Sigma value calculated on the repetitions performed is lower than the maximum Sigma
value set by the operator. In any case, at least three repetitions are always performed
before calculating the Sigma value in order to be sure of having an adequate number of
values for its calculation.
If, even after having performed the maximum number of cycles (set by the operator), the
Sigma value remains above the maximum accepted Sigma value, the measurement will
be terminated and the values of the electrical parameters measured will be displayed, but
on the measurement table the line that has not reached a correct Sigma value will be
highlighted in yellow, so as to make explicit to the operator the measurements that have
not reached the required accuracy value.
Format of the files used
The Polares 32 system makes three different proprietary file formats available to the