Appendix F
Profile Development Sheet
The Profile Development Worksheet is intended to assist the Profile Controller
customers. By filling in the worksheet with the application requirements, profile
information can easily be obtained for entry into the instrument. The worksheet is a
convenient record of the profile for future use.
A profile is a programmed sequence of setpoint changes over a period of time (or at
a rate of change with the EO option) (Ramp) and a constant setpoint (Soak). A
sequence of a ramp and a soak is referred to as a Segment. A profile can contain
from 1 to 6 segments. The instrument can store in memory up to 8 profiles.
The profile controllers can provide timed output relay action while running a profile,
this is called an Event. Events may be selected as on or off as needed during each
Ramp and/or Soak segment of the profile.
The first step to completing the worksheet is to determine the range of the setpoints
necessary for the application. Fill out the setpoint scale along the left side of the
worksheet. Remember that the profile ramp will start at the process value indicated
when the profile is initiated.
The next step is to sketch the profile outline on the worksheet. Use the setpoint
scale to determine the setpoint level. Be sure to fill in the time periods for each part
of the segment in the boxes provided at the top of each column. The Ramp and
Soak time boxes are located at the top of each column below the setpoint box for
the segment. There are boxes at the bottom of each column to indicate the status of
events, if used. If more than six segments are needed for the profile, individual
profiles can be linked to preform sequentially. Linked profiles operate like one long
Profile program information is easily determined by completing the Profile
Developmental Worksheet (page 78) for the application. The information derived
within the worksheet is directly related to the profile entry parameters of the profile