Instruments can be programmed for On-Off, Time Proportioning, Current Proportioning, or
Position Proportioning control implementations. Selectable direct or reverse control action is
also provided. Proportional control implementations are provided with fully programmable PID
Automatic to Manual switching is easily accomplished via the Standby mode . Switching is
bumpless, and while in manual, manipulation of proportional outputs is possible.
Other standard control features include control output limits, setpoint limits, anti-reset windup
control, and a unique Automatic Transfer function, which, if configured, allows manual control
of the process until setpoint is reached, at which time the unit will automatically transfer from
manual to automatic control.
Remote Run-Hold capability can be provided via the Auxiliary Input.
Up to eight profiles can be programmed on any of these Profile Controllers. Each of the
eight profiles can contain up to six segments. Each segment contains a ramp and a soak
operation. Profiles can be programmed to run continuously or any number of times up to
9999. A combination of profiles may be combined for back to back execution. This has the
affect of acting as a single profile of more than six segments.
Assured Soak is provided with the use of two programmable parameters that will activate an
Auto/Hold feature. This feature will place a running profile in the Hold condition and prohibit a
Soak operation from starting or completing if an acceptable process value is not reached and
then maintained.
Event outputs may also be provided. Up to three events may be assigned and can be turned
on or off at the beginning of each ramp and soak.
1.1.5 ALARMS
Alarm settings are fully programmable. Alarm type may be set as Process direct or reverse
(High or Low), Deviation direct or reverse (above or below setpoint), or Deviation Band type
(closed or open within band).
Alarm outputs can be provided by assigning any specified relays (SPST or SSR driver) to the
respective alarm.
The instrument can be provided with an RS-422/485 communications port which allows
bi-directional multidrop communications with a supervisory computer.