- Profile Data
1. Record all Profile data that was entered. Perform
Checksum Error
the CAL8 procedure as described in the Calibration
section (page 51). Re-enter the Profile data as
- Tried to run profile
1. Press the RUN/HOLD key, then press and release the
with 0 segments
SCROLL key until oFF or CtrL are displayed, then
press the DOWN key. This error occurs if a profile
number is selected in a Profile Continue mode for a
profile that has not been developed.
- Setpoint Error
1. Use the UP or DOWN key to change the setpoint
2. Record all Program and Tune mode parameters.
Perform the CAL1 procedure as described in the
Calibration section (page 48). Re-enter the Program
and Tune mode parameters.
- Incorrect Cystal
1. Turn off the power to the instrument, wait 5 seconds
For Digital Comm.
then turn the power on.
2. Check the cyrstal for 11 MHZ Y1 (see Appendix A-2,
page 64)
- Incorrect Micro.
1. Turn off the power to the instrument, wait 5 seconds
For Digital Comm.
then turn the power on.
2. Check to make sure U1 is a 8032 (see Appendix A-2,
page 64)
Errors 70 through 73 are communication errors that are briefly displayed when they occur.
- The Controller was
When the unit receives a complete message, the
unable to respond within 250
controller has 250 milliseconds to respond to the request.
If for any reason the controller is unable to respond within
250 milliseconds, the error is posted and the request
- A byte was received by
While the unit is processing a message, no data should
the controller before the response
be on the communication link until the unit has
was transmitted
responded. If the unit receives data before a response is
transmitted, the error is posted and the message aborted.
- An incorrect Block Check
After the complete message has been received, if the
character was received
Block Check Character (BBC) transmitted does not match
the calculated BCC, the error is posted and the unit will
send a Negative Acknowledge (NAK).
- A byte was received with
If incoming data has incorrect Parity, the unit will post the
incorrect parity
error and ignore the rest of the message. The number of
ones in the transmitted byte is expected to be even
(Even Parity).