- No Zero Crossings
1. Turn off the power to the instrument. Wait 5 seconds
and turn the power on.
2. Turn off the power to the instrument. Loosen the front
panel screw and remove the instrument from the
housing. Inspect the white ribbon cable that connects
the Processor board to the Power Supply board. Be
sure that the cable is properly aligned and seated in
the socket on the Power Supply board. Return the
instrument to the housing and tighten the front panel
screw. Turn the power on to the instrument.
3. Connect the instrument to another AC power source.
- AC line below 45 HZ
1. Turn off the power to the instrument. Wait 5 seconds
and turn the power on.
2. Turn off the power to the instrument. Loosen the front
panel screw and remove the instrument from the
housing. Inspect the white ribbon cable that connects
the Processor board to the Power Supply board. Be
sure that the cable is properly aligned and seated in
the socket on the Power Supply board. Return the
instrument to the housing and tighten the front panel
screw. Turn on the power to the instrument.
3. Connect the instrument to another AC power source.
- AC line over 65 HZ
1. Turn off the power to the instrument. Wait 5 seconds
and turn the power on.
2. Turn off the instrument power. Loosen the front panel
screw and remove the instrument from the housing.
Inspect the white ribbon cable that connects the
Processor board to the Power Supply board. Be sure
that the cable is properly aligned and seated in the
socket on the Power Supply board.
3. Connect the instrument to another AC power source.
- Cal 2 Volt Input Error
1. Check that 50 mVDC is properly connected to the
instrument and is within the tolerance limits as
indicated in the CAL2 procedure of the Calibration
section (page 48).
2. Loosen the front panel screw and remove the
instrument from the housing. Inspect the Processor
board (Appendix A-2, page 64) to insure that the input
conditioning jumper JU1 is in the non-volt position.
3. Perform the CAL2 procedure as described in the
Calibration section (page 48).
- ADC Reference Number
1. Perform the CAL2 procedure as described in the
Calibration section (page 48).