Problems may not always indicate faults. Check the following once again before requesting repair. If a problem persists even after
checking and taking corrective action or if the cause is unknown, stop using the product, turn off the power of the mattress properly
(see “How to shutdown” on page 10), and contact Paramount Bed (see page 31) or your distributor for repair.
Symptoms and
Error code
Corrective action
Power of the
operation panel
(accessory) does
not turn on.
• Is the bed link cable connected to the bed?
• Is the power plug of the bed connected to an outlet?
• Are the bed link cable and pump connected?
• Is the operation panel connected to the pump?
• Insert the bed link cable into the bed.
• Insert the power plug of the bed into the outlet.
• Insert the bed link cable into the pump.
• Connect the operation panel to the pump.
Mattress does not
The filter may be clogged. Replace the filter. For a replace
ment filter, contact Paramount Bed or your distributor.
Are the couplings (upper and lower) discon-
nected from the pump?
Insert the couplings (upper and lower) into the insertion
ports of the pump again.
Air is not present
in some air cells.
Is alternating pressure set?
Since alternating pressure is set, the air cells expands
and contracts alternately. This is not a failure.
U10, U11,
U12, U13,
U14, U15,
U16, U17,
Is there a hole in the air cells?
Air cells are damaged. Contact Paramount Bed or your
Are the blowing tubes and air cells disconnected? Connect the blowing tubes and air cells.
Are the blowing tubes and the couplings (up-
per and lower) disconnected?
Connect the blowing tubes and couplings (upper and
U21, U22,
U23, U24,
U25, U26,
Is a blowing tube bent?
Straighten the blowing tube and then connect it.
Mattress is too
soft and the
mattress base is
Is an extremely low softness set with the man-
ual softness control setting?
Manually set the softness while referring to the guide to soft-
ness settings. Alternatively, use automatic softness control.
Did the user leave the bed?
The softness is adjusted automatically if the user leaves
the bed when using automatic softness control. When the
user lies down on the bed, a softness suitable for the user
will be set automatically again. This is not a failure.
Was the back section of the bed raised when
using manual softness control?
When raising the back section of the bed, set automat-
ic softness control or increase the softness setting by
manual adjustment while checking that there is no con-
tact with the mattress base.
Is the user of the product a patient with a
prominent bone projection, hump back, or
lower limb contracture?
If a user with a prominent bone projection, hump back,
or lower limb contracture contacts the mattress base, in-
crease the softness setting by manual adjustment while
checking that there is no contact with the mattress base.
Air cells or small
flow air cells (SF
cells) do not alter-
nately expand and
Is alternating pressure or small flow not set
(manual SF cell expansion)?
To allow alternate expansion and contraction, set alter-
nating pressure or small flow.
Is the max. inflate mode on?
Air cells and small flow cells do not alternately expand
and contract in the max. inflate mode. This is not a failure.
Is the sleep position close to a mattress edge?
Small flow is disabled because the position sensor de
tected that the sleep position is near a mattress edge.
Go to sleep at the center of the mattress.
Is the back section of the bed raised?
The small flow operation is automatically set to off when
back support is operating or when the bed angle is 45° or
more while back support is not set. This is not a failure.
U20, U28,
Is wind from a heater or stove blowing against
the pump? Is electrical equipment such as an
electric cover blanket being used with the tem-
perature at 40˚C or higher?
Take care that the pump does not get warm during use.
Is there a hole in the SF cells?
SF cells are damaged. Contact Paramount Bed or your distributor.
Buttons are not
displayed on the
operation panel.
Is the operation panel connected properly?
Connect the operation panel properly.
Is another product’s operation panel or pump
Check that the combination of the operation panel and
pump are correct.
Is the cable of the operation panel damaged? Contact Paramount Bed or your distributor and request
repair (replacement) of the operation panel.
Stop using the product and contact Paramount Bed or
your distributor.
Settings do not
change when I
press the buttons
on the operation
Was the Setting button on the back of the op-
eration panel pressed?
Press the Setting button on the back of the operation
Was the Setting button on the back of the op-
eration panel pressed again after changing the
Press the Setting button on the back of the operation
panel again after changing the settings.
The A to D buttons turn off after setting com
Small flow is disabled because the position sensor de
tected that the sleep position is near a mattress edge.
Go to sleep at the center of the mattress.
Is an operation button being pressed continuously? Release the pressed button.