Keypad zone supervision
Keypad 1 zone supervision
(Kpd 1)
Keypad 2 zone supervision
(Kpd 2)
(Address 210, key [11])
(Address 210, key [12])
” = enabled
” = disabled
” = enabled
” = disabled
Keypad zone supervision allows the system to verify the presence of a keypad and its keypad zone(s).
When enabled, only two keypad zones (one configured as keypad 1, and one configured as keypad 2)
can be used at one time. Any other keypad zone terminals must be shorted.
If using a 616, 626, or 633 LED keypad with software version 3.9 or earlier, OR a PS1 version 1.1, OR a
639/640 keypad with its keypad zone supervision feature disabled (address 32, key [3] “off”), or if the key-
pad zone is not used:
If using a 616, 626, or 633 LED keypad with software version 4.0 onward, OR a PS1 version 2.0 onward,
OR a 639/640 LCD keypad with its keypad zone supervision enabled (address 32, key [3] “on”):
Related features: Keypad connections. p.8
Zone Definition
(Addresses 212-242)
Zone definition is assigned during "feature selection" programming. Turning zone key "on" or "off" at
addresses 212-242 assigns a particular definition to the zone. (See Programming Work Sheets.)
Intelli zone
(Addresses 212, 214)
Key “ON”: An alarm will be generated and communicated following any two detections in zones
assigned this definition, whether the two detections stem from a single intellizone or any two separate
intellizones - as long as the two detections take place within a designated time frame. An alarm will also
be generated and communicated if an intellizone stays “open” for the total length of the designated “intel-
lizone” delay. The "intellizone" delay, which determines the period of time (between 16-256 seconds) in
which two detections must take place or an intellizone must remain open, is programmed at address 059.
"Intellizone" definition is disregarded while the panel is in audible alarm.
Key "OFF": An alarm is generated as soon as the zone is opened. This feature should be disabled on UL
listed systems.
(Addresses 216, 218)
Silent zones (keys "on") report alarms without triggering bells/sirens. (Reminder: fire zone is never silent.)
Audible zones (keys "off ") will trigger a bell or siren upon alarm generation.
24 hour - fire/regular
(Addresses 220, 222)
"24 hour" zones (keys "on") generate alarms whenever the zone is detected, even if the system is not
armed. Zone 3 becomes a fire zone when defined "24 hour". The fire zone should always be connected
with a 1K
EOL resistor. If there is a line short in the fire zone, a fire alarm will be generated. If the line is
"open", a fire trouble report (if assigned at address 182) will be sent to the central, and trouble indicator
[11] and fire zone key [3] will flash on the keypad. Alarms in a fire zone generate an intermittent output
signal, regardless of system arming status.
(Addresses 224, 226)
"Instant" zones (key "on") will immediately generate an alarm when detected while the system is armed.
There is no entry delay.
(Addresses 228, 230)
"Follow" zones (key "on") are "instant" zones that switch to "delay" definition during entry delay.
728 (no ATZ): Kpd 1 = Zone 5 Kpd 2 = Zone 6
738 (no ATZ): Kpd 1 = Zone 7 Kpd 2 = Zone 8
728 (with ATZ): Kpd 1 = Zone 9 Kpd 2 = Zone 10
738 (with ATZ): Kpd 1 = Zone 13 Kpd 2 = Zone 14