Tel. 0039 030 6857073 - Fax 0039 030657079 [email protected] -
Warning for the users
The contents of this manual are based on know-how, designs, technology applications,
used on exclusive basis by Palazzani Industrie SpA, and therefore protected by national
and international intellectual property.
Any reference to names, dates and addresses of other Companies is not on purpose and,
unless otherwise indicated, it is only an example, to better understand the products made
by Palazzani Industrie SpA
The processing of text and images are evaluated with the utmost care, in any case Pa-
lazzani reserves the right to modify and / or update the information contained herein, to
correct typographical errors and / or inaccuracies, without notice or obligation on the
part thereof.
This manual contains all the information necessary for the operators for the normal and
planned use of Palazzani products.
The content of this manual is purely technical and owned by Palazzani Industrie SpA.
Any part of this manual may be translated into another language and/or adapted and/or
reproduced in another form and/or through any mechanical, electronic, photocopying,
recording, etc. tool, without the prior written consent of Palazzani.
The owner Company enforces its rights according to the law.
The documents are prepared in accordance with section 1.7.4 of the CE Directive
2006/42 / CE (Directive on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating
to machinery) and in compliance with point 7.1 of EN 280: 2015.
Any request of additional information about the machine, using the specifi c QR code
fi xed on the machine.