48 | Ottobock
– Charge level of battery for currently connected pros
– Prosthesis is being charged
2. 68% – Charge level of battery for currently connected pros
thesis, as a percentage
7 Cockpit app
The cockpit app enables switching from basic mode into the pre-configured
MyModes. In addition, information about the product (step counter, battery
charge level, etc.) can be called up.
The behaviour of the product can be changed to a certain extent on a day-to-
day basis using the app (e.g. while becoming accustomed to the product). At
the next appointment, the prosthetist can trace the changes using the adjust
ment software.
The cockpit app can be downloaded free of charge from the respective online store. For more
information, please visit the website: http://www.ottobock-group.com/cockpitapp. You can also
read the QR code on the supplied Bluetooth PIN card.
7.1 System Requirements
The functioning of the cockpit app is assured on devices with the Android operating system ver
sion 4.0.3 or higher.
The functionality was tested on the following devices:
• Samsung
Galaxy S5, Galaxy S4, Galaxy S4 mini, Galaxy SIII, Galaxy SIII mini, Galaxy
Note II, Galaxy Fame
• Sony
Xperia Z, Xperia Z3, Xperia J, Xperia SP
One, One mini
• LG
Optimus L9, Optimus F5, Optimus F6, Optimus G, Optimus G2
• Huawei
Ascend P6, Ascend G500
• Motorola
Droid Razr Maxx, Moto X, Nexus 6
7.2 Initial connection between cockpit app and prosthesis
The following points should be observed before the initial connection:
Bluetooth of the component must be switched on.
If Bluetooth is switched off, it can be turned on by turning the prosthesis upside-down (sole of
the foot must point up) or by connecting/disconnecting the battery charger. Bluetooth is then
turned on for approx. 2 minutes. During this time, the app must be started and used to estab
lish a connection. If required, Bluetooth on the prosthesis can be switched on permanently
afterwards (see Page 60).
Bluetooth of the device must be switched on.
The device must not be in "flight mode" (offline mode), otherwise all wireless connections are
turned off.
The device must be connected to the internet.
The serial number and PIN code of the component being connected must be known. They are
found on the enclosed card. The serial number begins with the letters "SN".