4. The monitor of the log by a JAVA applet
4.1. Feature
The SNMP/Web card is equipped with GUI (graphical user interface) which moves by a
JAVA applet. By GUI, the log of the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) on a network can
be monitored in real time.
There are two kinds of monitoring procedures by a JAVA applet, [UPS History Log (data
log)] and [UPS Extended History Log (extended data log)].
4.2. The display of a monitoring screen
At this monitoring screen, log data is displayed by a line graph.
All the parameter data can be displayed on the same screen.
It can set up easily a display / un-displaying of each parameter.
First, please display the homepage of a SNMP/Web card.
In order to display the monitoring screen of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
data log, click [Log] at the upper right of an initial screen.
In order to display the monitoring screen of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
extension data log, click "Elog" at the upper right of an initial screen.