Maintenance and service
GA 09.035/6.02 - 07/2011 - © Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum
Connect pin 2 (Signal) and pin 12 (Signal-GND) of a 15-pin D-Sub plug
with a high-precision voltage source. See Chapter 3.3.4 SENSOR,
Pin 2 = +10.000 V
Pin 12 = GND
Put the D-Sub plug with the voltage source connections onto the sensor
connection of the respective channel
Use the serial interface to send the command CAF,a to the unit. For the
parameter a, use:
0 = Channel 1
1 = Channel 2
2 = Channel 3
The calibration factor of the respective channel is determined and stored in the
EEPROM. Now the channel is calibrated.