Chapter 16: System jumpers, user jumper, and BIOS recovery
System jumpers
Various system function options are selected with jumper block W1.
The “S” jumper selects whether the card boots from user defined parameters
(defined in the Setup Programs chapter), or the BIOS defaults. Removing this
jumper allows the user to return to factory programmed defaults.
The “X” enables or disables the BIOS extension area. The default is enabled, which
uses the INT17 calls.
The “V” jumper enables or disables the on-card video, allowing an external video
card, or the serial console to be used.
The “U” jumper is user defined and can be used for program control.
The “R” jumper, when removed, allows the BIOS to be reinstalled from a remote
system over a serial console connection.
Table 16
2 System
configuration jumper: W1
W1 – System Configuration
Label Description
System parameters option jumper:
Installed = enable User Setup options*
Removed = enable BIOS Setup default
BIOS extension enable
Installed = enable extended BIOS*
allows use of INT17 calls without
loading I17HNDLER.EXE
Removed = disables extended BIOS
frees location D8000 - DFFFF
V Video
Installed = enable on-card video*
Removed = disable on-card video
U User
Bios recovery jumper:
Installed = normal BIOS operation*
Removed = allows new BIOS to be installed
* = default
System jumper
The system jumper is W1[1–2]. When this jumper is present the system boots using
the parameters stored in Setup. When this jumper is removed the system boots
using the factory defaults for all parameters in Setup. Note that if you must
remove the system jumper to recover your system, the user-defined parameters in
Setup will not be changed unless you enter Setup, make the changes, and exit
saving changes.