DIAM4200 ©2018 AUGIER SA.
6021642 DIAM4200 5 to 20KVA rev 1-8.docx
External CS :
The DIAM CCR has two electrical interlock terminals,
terminal S1 and S2
, located near the two power
supply terminals, which must be connected to the door contact and circuit selector interlock.
When the CCR is used with a circuit selector, it must be stopped about 100ms before the circuit is
selected. This is automatically done by the selector itself (Augier) by connecting terminals S1 & S2 to the
selector interlock mechanism, or by remote control.
Corresponding cables must be placed in the same duct (at left) than power supply cables
Operation without selectors:
The two terminals S1 & S2 must be short-circuited, (Strap wired at delivery) in order to work without CS contact.
Operation with selectors:
The good practice, to select or un-select a way, is to do it at null current. Thus, no overcurrent can appear and
lamps remain protected. At the contrary, an instantaneous short circuit (total or partial) of the load will create an
instantaneous overcurrent proportional to the load reduction, during the regulation time. These repeated
overcurrents cause a reduction of the lifespan of lamps. So, when used with a circuit selector, the regulator
must be stopped 100ms approximately before changing a circuit.
That can be carried out by the selector itself (Augier selector) by cabling terminals S1 and S2 with interlock
terminals of the selector, or by the monitoring system.
While S1/S2 are connected, the CCR shall be stopped if the selector box is opened, giving access to the H V
load connections.
Chronogram of operation :
Integrated CS :
With this option, Interlocking and timming operations as described above are directly performed by the CCR’s