5.2 Bucket calibration
To carry out a bucket calibration, select “Calibration” from the Bucket settings. A calibration magnet
and a plumb line are needed for the bucket calibration. Set the plumb line on the lowest pin of the
stick. Turn the bucket slowly towards the plumb line. When the tip of the bucket touches the string
without moving it, keep the bucket still and press the “CALIB” button (Figure 16). After a few
seconds the calibration is complete.
Figure 16. Turn the bucket to the plumb line
In Figure 16 quick coupler is illustrated on the left and tilt rotator on the right.
It is important to test the accuracy of the bucket after calibration. Carry out the
accuracy test as described in chapter 2.4.1 and 2.4.2. If the accuracy is less than
1 cm, recalibrate the bucket.
5.3 Tilt bucket calibration
Tilt calibration calibrates the part between the bucket and stick that tilts sideways (for example tilt
rotator, tilting quick coupler).
If the calibration data is copied from an existing bucket which is already tilt
calibrated, a new tilt calibration is not necessary. The accuracy test should still be
performed, as instructed in chapter 2.4.3.
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