The laser jobsite height function requires a rotating laser that has been set to a known height. Set
the rotating laser to horizontal level.
It is recommended to use as fast laser rotation speed as possible.
Go to “Main menu” and select “Laser”. Press “Right arrow” twice to enter page 3/3 and set the
laser to ON. It is also possible to control the laser with the “Power” button (see chapter 3.1 ).
There are two ways to use the laser jobsite height function in depth measurement (Table 7).
Table 7. Laser jobsite height use cases
Use case
Jobsite height is zero
ZL value indicates the height from a laser beam to the bucket
measuring point
Jobsite height is the absolute
height of the laser beam
ZL value indicates the absolute height of the bucket
measuring point
To set the jobsite height, go to “Main menu” → “Laser” and press “EDIT” on “Jobsite height”. Enter
the desired height and press “ACCEPT”.
If the XD2 LED display is used, the jobsite target height can be adjusted in “Main
menu” → “Laser” → page 2/3 “Jobsite target height”. See chapter 10 for more
information about the XD2 LED display and target levels.
Move the boom slowly, so that the laser receiver hits the laser beam. It is advisable to move the
dipper stick to as upright position as possible when reaching the laser beam. The laser receiver
symbol on the screen indicates laser hits. The laser hit has been accepted when the text “Hold!”
changes to “Hit accepted!” and the black background changes to a white background (Figure 39).
When the beam has been accepted, ZL value indicates either the height difference between the
bucket and the laser beam (“Jobsite height” = “0.00”, Figure 40), or the absolute height of the
bucket (“Jobsite height” = “30.00”, the absolute height of the laser, Figure 41).
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Figure 39. Moving the laser receiver to the beam. The laser receiver symbols indicate laser hits
and acceptance.