Manual, F/T Sensor, Ethernet Axia
Document #9620-05-C-Ethernet Axia-02
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel:+1 919.772.0115 • Fax:+1 919.772.8259 •
Snapshot Page (rundata.htm)
This page displays the current sensor loading conditions. The information on the
page is static and
becomes current after a user loads or reloads the page.
Figure 6.3—Snapshot Page
Transducer Loading Snapshot (User Units)
Force/Torque Data:
These fields display the force and torque data scaled in units that a user selected on
page. If any strain gages are overloaded, these values are invalid
and displayed in red with a line through them.
Transducer Loading Snapshot (Counts)
Force/Torque Counts:
These fields display the force and torque data scaled with the counts per force and
counts per torque displayed on the
page. For more information about
how F/T values are scaled, refer to
Section 8.4.1—Converting Counts Per Force/
. If any strain gages are overloaded, these values are invalid and
displayed in red with a line through them.
Strain Gage Data
Unbiased Gage Data:
These fields display the sensor’s raw strain gage information for troubleshooting
overload errors. If the strain gages are overloaded, the values are invalid and
displayed in red.
• When an overload condition occurs, the reported force and torque values are invalid.
• Individual strain gage values do not correspond to individual force and torque axes.
• The sensor readings on this page are captured as the webpage requests them. It is possible
that the readings towards the bottom of the page have come from later F/T data records
than the readings towards the top of the page.