Manual, F/T Sensor, Ethernet Axia
Document #9620-05-C-Ethernet Axia-02
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel:+1 919.772.0115 • Fax:+1 919.772.8259 •
Hysteresis —
when the sensor
is loaded from a
zeroed or biased
state and then the
load is removed, the
sensor output does
not immediately
return to zero.
Mechanical coupling or internal failure can cause Hysteresis which
is outside of the sensor’s specified and acceptable measurement
uncertainty (error) range.
Verify the sensor is properly installed, fasteners are
tightened, and the customer tooling is securely installed;
refer to the
Installation Section
in the applicable ATI F/T
Use the bias command to shift the readings back to zero.
; Bit 1 -
Supply voltage
is out of range.
If the supply voltage is out of range, the bit is active which indicates a
potential system fault or failure.
Power cycle the system.
Verify the power supply is within range per
Bit 3 - Busy Bit
While the sensor is busy, the Busy Bit will be ON = 1. The sensor
is busy applying a change such as an ADC rate change, filter, or an
active calibration.
After applying changes, wait until the Busy Bit is
OFF = 0. Then read data or make any other changes.
Bit 2, 27, or
30 - Out of Range
A load that is outside of the sensor’s calibrated measurement range has
been applied to the sensor.
Remove applied loads. If the errors do not go away,
continue troubleshooting.
Unmount the sensor. Improper mounting methods can
induce high loads in the sensor.
Switch to a larger calibration size, if the application
requires loads outside the range of the smaller
calibration size.
After using the larger calibration size and without
applying a load, if errors such as “Sensing Range
Exceeded”, “Gage Out of Range”, or “Gage Broken”
persist, the sensor is likely permanently damaged
due to overload.
Perform an accuracy check (refer to the applicable
ATI sensor manual in
) or refer to
4.5: How do I evaluate the accuracy of health of the
in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ATI
document located at:
If the sensor fails the accuracy check, return the sensor
to ATI for inspection. Contact ATI at
for a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA).