7.1 Introduction
7.1 Introduction
The following maintenance is essential for using the device under the best condition.
Operation inspection:
Check if the device operates properly.
Performance testing:
Check if the device respects the rated values.
Adjustment, calibration: If the rated values are not satisfying, NF Corporation will
make the necessary adjustment or calibration to restore
Damage repairs:
When performance cannot be restored by the adjustment or
calibration, NF Corporation will identify the cause and
location of the damage and will execute repairs.
This instruction manual describes how to easily proceed with a performance testing.
For more accurate inspections, adjustments, calibration or repairs, contact NF
Corporation or one of our representatives.
7.2 Daily Maintenance
in a location that fills the installation requirements.
Installation conditions
Refer to
“2.2.2 Installation Conditions”.
When the case/panel surface needs cleaning, wipe with a soft cloth. To remove
persistent contamination, wipe with a soft cloth soaked with neutral detergent and
wrung out. Do not use any organic solvents like thinner or benzene, or any chemical
cleaning cloth, as they may cause the surface finish to deteriorate, tarnish, or come off.