NB3000-Line-Hd User Manual 4.2
WLAN IP Settings
This section lets you configure the TCP/IP settings of your WLAN network. A
can be run over DHCP or with a statically configured address and default gateway.
Figure 5.14.: WLAN IP Configuration
The access point networks can be bridged to any LAN interface for letting WLAN clients
and Ethernet hosts operate in the same subnet. However, for multiple SSIDs we strongly
recommend to set up separated interfaces in routing-mode in order to avoid unwanted
access and traffic between the interfaces. The corresponding DHCP server for each network
can be configured in afterwards as described in chapter
WLAN IP Settings
Network mode
Choose whether the interface shall be operated bridged or in
Bridge interface
If bridged, the LAN interface to which the WLAN network
should be bridged
Bridging features
If bridged, additional bridging features(e.g. IAPP, 4 address
frame) which can be en- or disabled
IP address / netmask
In routing-mode, the IP address and netmask for this WLAN