NB3000-Line-Hd User Manual 4.2
When enrolling certificates, the CA certificate will be initially fetched from the specified SCEP
URL using the
operation. It will be shown on the configuration page and it has to be
verified that it belongs to the correct authority. Otherwise, the CA must be rejected. This
part is essential when using SCEP as it builds up the chain of trust.
If a certificate enrollment request times out, it is possible to re-trigger the interrupted enroll-
ment request and it will be resumed using the previously generated key. In case a request
has been rejected, you are required to erase the certificate first and then start the enroll-
ment process all over again.
For SSL client connections (as used by SDK functions or when downloading configuration/-
software images) you might upload a list of CA certificates which are considered trusted.
To obtain the CA certificate from a particular site with Mozilla Firefox, the following steps will
be required:
• Point the browser to the relevant HTTPS website
• Click the padlock in the address bar
• Click the
More Information
and the
View Certificate
• Select the
tab press the
• Choose a path for the file (e.g. website.pem)
Certificates from self-signed authoritites can also be retrieved by running:
echo quit | \
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <host>:443 | \
sed -ne ’/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p’ > other.crt
The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate files can be edited and concatenated using a simple edi-
tor (if required) and then uploaded to the box. Once installed, an SSL client connection will
terminate if verification with any of those CA certificates fails.