User’s Manual U13850EJ4V0UM
13.5 Usage
(1) Disable the real-time output operation.
Clear bit 7 (RTPOE) of the real-time output port control register (RTPC) to 0.
(2) Initialization
• Set the initial value to the output latch.
• Specify the real-time output port mode or port mode in 1-bit units.
Set the real-time output port mode register (RTPM).
• Selects a trigger and valid edge.
Set bits 4, 5, and 6 (EXTR, BYTE, and RTPEG) of RTPC.
• Set the initial value that is the same as the output latch to the real-time output buffer registers (RTBH and
(3) Enable the real-time output operation.
Set RTPOE to 1.
(4) Set the output latch of ports (P100 to P107) to 0, and the next output to RTBH and RTBL until the selected
transfer trigger is generated.
(5) Set the next real-time output value to RTBH and RTBL by interrupt servicing corresponding to the selected
13.6 Cautions
(1) Before performing initialization, disable the real-time output operation by clearing bit 7 (RTPOE) of the real-time
output port control register (RTPC) to 0.
(2) Once the real-time output operation is disabled (RTPOE = 0), be sure to set the initial value that is the same as
the output latch to the real-time output buffer registers (RTBH and RTBL) before enabling the real-time output
operation (RTPOE = 0