Motor Cables
5. Be sure to observe the distance from the Speed Sensor to the
Drive Pulley. This distance affects the performance of the Speed
Sensor, and can easily be shifted accidentally during replace-
ment procedures.
6. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, disconnect the Motor Ground
Wire from the Frame.
7. Using a 6mm hex wrench, loosen the indicated screws on the
Motor Mount.
8. Using a 13mm Open Ended Wrench, rotate the Belt Tensioner
Screw enough to loosen the Drive Belt.
To assist with reassembly, be sure to record the number
of threads exposed before loosening.
9. Using a 6mm hex wrench, remove the indicated screws from
the Motor Mount. Remove the Drive Belt and rotate the Motor
Assembly exposing the Motor Mount.
10. Cut the 3 Zip-Ties that secure the Motor Cables.
11. Using a 6mm hex wrench, remove the indicated hardware
from the Motor Mount and remove the old Motor.
12. Attach the Motor Mount to the new Motor. Be sure the Belt
Tensioner Screw is properly oriented toward the rear of the
machine when the Motor is re-installed.
Belt Tensioner Screw
Drive Belt
Drive Pulley