Section 50
01-09-07 -
36 -
Setup 9 – Communication Settings
(E) Use SETUP 9 to select ports, characteristics, and
communication values for remote devices. Use the [UP
ARROW] and/or [DOWN ARROW] to reach setting.
(F) This is the RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) setting. The
range is 1 to 99 (Node number).
(G) This is the Port selection. There are two choices:
0 – RS485
1 – RS232
(H) This is the Baud rate selection. There are five
0 - 9600,N,8,1
1 - 9600,N,8,2
2 - 19200,N,8,1
3 - 19200,N,8,2
4 - 38400,N,8,1 (only if the pulses/rev setting is greater
than 16.5)
5 - 38400,N,8,2 (only if the pulses/rev setting is greater
than 16.5)
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