Section 50
01-09-07 -
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After selecting and saving a template, any point can be
reconfigured by changing a single channel in SETUP 3.
To do this, return to SETUP 2 and enter "0" as the
template setting (G). The points on the template
originally selected are not changed with this action.
Next, go to SETUP 3 and change channels, as
necessary, to the preferred configurations.
Terminals 45 & 46 are enabled in SETUP 4 for Remote
Reset and Remote Lockout functionality. If they are not
enabled, they can be configured the same as the other
points. If they are enabled, they will override any
previous setting. Remote Reset can only be used in
terminal 45 and Remote Lockout can only be used in
terminal 46.
Terminals 47 and 48 are defaulted to Class ESD. This
means they will override the Test function and
Shutdown the unit. The functionality on these channels
can be changed, if desired.
When Template 20 is selected (H), the channel
assignments will duplicate the DD20. Remaining channels are configured as inactive, but can
be modified in SETUP 3 once SETUP 2 is set to “0.” This also applies to Template 40; with
the exception of channels 50 to 57 are assigned to TTD terminals 1 to 8.
If Template 20 or Template 40 is used in a unit without the tachometer option, the overspeed
channel must be configured.
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