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DANGER! Risk of Damage, Serious Injury or Death
Operating your wheelchair with improperly set safety limits/lockouts could cause a loss of
stability, resulting in damage, serious injury or death.
• The setting of the wheelchair safety limits/lockouts MUST be performed by a Qualified Service
Technician; DO NOT attempt to adjust or disable the safety limits/lockouts (see also
Section 4.3- Safety
Lockouts and Limits
• ALL Motion Concepts wheelchairs are programmed with a drive lockout (DLO) limit. The DLO limit
MUST always be set to ensure your stability is not compromised when operating your wheelchair.
• Your Motion Concepts seating system is programmed with variety of safety limits/lockouts based on
the type of power positioning functions installed (e.g. tilt, recline, elevate). All required safety limits/
lockouts are set to ensure your stability is not compromised when operating your wheelchair.
• Your MPS-Maxx system is equipped with front anti-tipper lockouts and a reduced drive speed limit;
ALWAYS be aware when these lockouts engage, and proceed with caution when operating/driving your
wheelchair in reduced drive speed, or with the anti-tipper lockouts engaged, and travel on a smooth,
level surface to ensure the wheelchair’s stability is not compromised.
2.1 Stability Warnings
DANGER! Risk of Damage, Serious Injury or Death
Driving while on an incline could cause a loss of stability resulting in death or serious injury.
• ALWAYS take extra precautions when travelling up or down an incline. To ensure your wheelchair
stability is not compromised, Motion Concepts recommends a maximum safe incline/slope angle of
6 degrees for wheelchair travel (with the wheelchair in the upright ‘home’ position). (See
2.2- Warnings When Travelling on Inclines
WARNING! Risk of Damage, Serious Injury or Death
Loss of traction or stability on rough or unstable terrain may cause damage, injury or death
• DO NOT operate the wheelchair on rough or unstable terrain. This would include, but is not limited to
areas of rock, gravel, sand, mulch, mud, uneven pavement, roots and similar conditions
• ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings and conditions that might affect the stability and performance
of the wheelchair.
WARNING! Risk of Serious Injury or Damage.
By altering your seat position in the wheelchair (via power positioning functions such as tilting/
reclining/elevating/standing), you are changing the stability characteristics of the wheelchair. It
is essential that the seating system is set up so that it remains stable in all seating positions.
• NEVER extend your arms backward beyond the back when the seating system is in a tilted or reclined
or elevated or standing position. This could shift your center of gravity and cause the wheelchair to
become unstable.
• When the system is fully tilted or reclined, the front wheels of the powerbase should NEVER come
off the ground. If this occurs, return your seat to a stable position and contact your authorized Service
Provider/Dealer immediately to resolve the issue.
• When the system is in the standing position, the rear wheels of the powerbase should NEVER
come off the ground. If this occurs, return your seat to a stable position and contact your authorized
Service Provider/Dealer immediately to resolve the issue.
• Ensure all medical conditions are considered when setting up your wheelchair. Involuntary muscle
movement such as spasms may affect the stability of the wheelchair, especially when the seating system
is in a tilted, reclined, elevated or standing position.
WARNING! Risk of Damage, Serious Injury or Death
A wheelchairs stability is adversely affected by additional weight that shifts the center of gravity
• Your wheelchair/seating system is designed to accommodate a single occupant. DO NOT operate with
additional person(s) (including children or pets) seated in or on the wheelchair.
• DO NOT carry heavy objects on your lap while operating the wheelchair.