Morehouse Instrument Company, Inc.
1742 Sixth Ave., York, PA 17403-2675 USA
Phone: (717) 843-0081
Page 37
Rev. 3/2022
4215-HS Indicator
Example 5:
@123L1SA 10
Acknowledge 5:
@123 Lim 1 NO Disabled Load A Lb Set 50.00 Trip>Set Latch Off Reset 10.00
Example 6:
@123L1SA 11#
Acknowledge 6:
@123 Lim 1 NC Enabled Load A Lb Set 50.00 Trip>Set Latch Off Reset 10.00
Limit Setup Escape (LE)
The Limit Escape (LE) command is used to cancel a limit setup that was started with the Limit Set (LiS) com
mand. This format is LE.
@123 Limit Setup Command Canceled
Limit Reset Command (LiR)
The Limit Reset (LiR) command is used to manually reset a latching limit that has been activated. The format is
L(limit number)R.
@123 Reset Limit 1
System Options Command (O)
The system Options command has 7 subcommands that are used to view or set the options that appear on the
system options menu. Option View (OV) displays all the settings in the system options menu, Option Printer
(OP) is used to set the printer baudrate, Option Auto ID (OI) is used to turn auto-identification of load cells on
or off, Option Auto Zero (OZ) is used to turn auto-zeroing of load on or off, Option Com
Address (OA) is used to change the communications address of the unit, Option
Baudrate (OB) is used to change the communications baudrate, and Option Linefeed (OL) is used to turn the
auto line feed option on or off. Option Tare retain (OT) is used to turn the tare retain option on or off. Each of
these options is described below.