Morehouse Instrument Company, Inc.
1742 Sixth Ave., York, PA 17403-2675 USA
Phone: (717) 843-0081
Page 30
Rev. 3/2022
4215-HS Indicator
where channel is A or B, serial number is the serial number of the load cell, not exceeding 6 digits, month,
day, and year are 2 digit numbers to represent the current date, excitation should be a 0 for 5.00 volts or a 1
for 10.00 volts, and calibration unit is the desired unit for this calibration, and rated load is the maximum load
rating for the load cell.
Example 1:
@123CB1 A123456# 1000.0#
Acknowledge 1:
@123 Calibrate Begin 1 Command – New
Load Cell S/N: 123456 – Channel A
Example 2:
@123CB2 042298
Acknowledge 2:
@123 Calibrate Begin 2 Command – New Cal Date: Apr22-98
Example 3:
@123CB3 100
Acknowledge 3:
@123 Calibrate Begin 3 Command – New
Excitation Voltage: 10.0 V, Calibration Unit: Lb
Example 4:
@123CB4 1000.0#
Acknowledge 4:
@123 Calibrate Begin 4 Command – New Rated Load: 1000.0 Lb
Calibration Escape Command (CE)
The Calibrate Escape (CE) command is used to cancel a calibration that was started with the Calibrate Begin
(CB) command. This format is CE.
@123 Calibrate Command - Canceled, Calibration NOT Changed