Morehouse Instrument Company, Inc.
1742 Sixth Ave., York, PA 17403-2675 USA
Phone: (717) 843-0081
Page 8
Rev. 3/2022
4215-HS Indicator
View Button
The View button switches between two virtual displays stored in the memory. Each of these displays will re
member the units you have selected for each item, and which item is currently being shown. This may save you
from scrolling through the list of items if there are two particular results that you often use. For instance you
might set the display to show Load in Lb, press View, and then set the display for Peak in PSI. Repeated press
es of the View button will now switch back and forth between Load in Lb and Peak in PSI with a single button
push. If you choose to have the second line show a display, then the View button toggles between the display
currently being activated. The activated display will have a “>” symbol to the left of it.
Print Button
T The Print button will send a set of data to the printer. This will contain the current readings of load, peak, val
ley, position, velocity, and limit status. The units used for printing will be the units last selected on the numeri
cal display.
The printer must be a serial printer that supports ESC/P protocol. Many Epson printers with serial ports are
known to be compatible.
Appendix B gives the pin assignments on the serial connector.
Unit Button
The Unit button cycles through the list of units that are available for the item that is currently being displayed.