Moore Industries-International, Inc.
- 69 -
User’s Manual
May 2018
Programmable Limit Alarm Trips
If two alarms have been set with one configured to trip in the case of a broken wire and the
other to trip due to another selected parameter and an actual Broken Wire failure occurs, both the
Out of Range
and Broken Wire alarms may trip.
Band Alarm
The Band Alarm can be configured in one of two ways, selectable by a pair of radio buttons:
Midpoint –
When the Midpoint radio button is selected, you are prompted to select the midpoint of
your process variable and the maximum deviation from that midpoint that is allowed before the alarm
Low/High Trip Points –
When the Low/High Trip Points radio button is selected, you are prompted
to enter Low Trip point and High Trip point values. The alarm will activate if the process input goes
below the Low Trip point or above the High trip point.
Dead Band–
The Dead Band is the range in which an alarm relay remains in an alarm condition even
after the monitored process variable input has returned to a safe level, at or below/above the trip point
Once you have configured all parameters, download to the unit by selecting “Download” in the
Transfer dropdown menu located in the Status Bar. Or, click the button in the Tool Bar.
If two alarms have been set with one configured to trip in the case of a broken wire and the
other to trip due to another selected parameter and an actual Broken Wire failure occurs, both the
Out of Range
and Broken Wire alarms may trip.
Rate of Change Alarm
The fields below must be configured in order to set up your Rate of Change Alarm properly. The
alarm will be set according to the rate of change of the process variable over a set time period.
if you want the alarm to trip on rising input (positive change) only.
if you want the alarm to trip on falling input (negative change) only. Select
if you
want it to trip on either falling or rising input (absolute change).
Enter the
Delta Time
(1-60 seconds) to set up the alarm. You may enter a value for
Delta of less than one through the PC Configuration Program only. The alarm will trip if the process
variable changes by more than the Delta value with the Delta Time.
To set the correct value for Delta and Delta Time, you need to understand the input signal
noise and input averaging filter settings to prevent false trips.
Once you have configured all parameters, download to the unit by selecting “Download” in the
Transfer dropdown menu located in the Status Bar. Or, click the button in the Tool Bar.
You may also use the
Quick Set
feature to configure your
parameters and download the
settings. The settings you have chosen will be applied and downloaded to your unit
If two alarms have been set with one configured to trip in the case of a broken wire and the
other to trip due to another selected parameter and an actual Broken Wire failure occurs, both the
Out of Range
and Broken Wire alarms may trip.