General Command and Response Message Types
Moog Animatics Class 6 EtherNet/IP Guide, Rev. B
Page 49 of 160
Extended Attribute to Get (32-byte message format only)
The 32-byte format also has fields allowing the Class 6 SmartMotor to send parameter data
back to the controller independent of the Command and Response Message types set in the
first eight bytes.
When the "Attribute to Get Message Type" field is set to 26 (0x1A - Position Controller
Supervisor) or 27 (0x1B - Position Controller) the motor will return the value of the
Object Attribute specified in field "Attribute to Get Number" (bytes 26-27). The value
will be returned in the "Attribute to Get Data" field of the response (bytes 24 - 27).
If there are any errors in the request, the motor will respond with:
A Message Type of 0x14 in the Attribute to Get Message Type field of the response
The General Error Code in byte 24 of the response
The Additional Error Code in byte 25 of the response
A value of 0x00 in byte 26 of the response
A copy of the Attribute to Get Axis Number / Message Type (byte 24) from the
request in byte 27 of the response
When the "Attribute to Get Message Type" field is set to a value of zero, the motor will
set the entire "Attribute to Get" structure and "Attribute to Get Data" of the response
(bytes 20 -27) to zeroes.
The general flow when using the Extended Attribute to Get fields: (Assumes the Attribute to
Get fields start out loaded with 0x00).
1. Load the "Attribute to Get Number" with the desired Attribute Number.
2. Load the "Attribute to Get Axis Number" with a value of 0 or 1.
3. Load the "Attribute to Get Message Type" with the number for the desired object 0x1A
(Position Controller Supervisor) or 0x1B (Position Controller).
4. Wait for the "Attribute to Get Message Type" and "Attribute to Get Number" in the
response to match the requested values. If the "Attribute to Get Message Type"
becomes 0x14 there is an error in the request, follow the logic for errors in section Error
Response Message Type (0x14) on page 51.
5. When the "Attribute to Get Message Type" and "Attribute to Get Number" match the
requested values, process the data in the response.
6. Clear the "Attribute to Get Message Axis Number / Type" and "Attribute to Get Number"
values to values of 0x00.
7. Wait for the "Attribute to Get Message Type" field changes to zero in the response.
The motor will respond with the current value of the requested Attribute to Get each time the
motor processes the I/O message independent of the Implicit Message handshaking.