© MOOG 2019
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2-4-2. F1: Profile Mode
Mode obtained by pressing the
Display condition:
Normally displayed when manufacturing containers.
Profile Mode Function Items
Please refer to Figure 2-11
and description below for fur-
ther definition information.
Die Gap Opening Profile
The profile uses 10 to 200 separate points to define the de-
sired parison wall thickness profile. The horizontal axis of
the LCD display is the programmed tooling die gap or pari-
son wall thickness. The points along the vertical axis of the
LCD display are Shot Size, either cycle time or accumulator
Linear or Spline interpolation can be set at machine setup
display (
SHIFT→F4) is used to define the profile between
the operator set points. *Figure 2-11 showing Spline type.
Figure 2-11 Profile Mode Screen
Each profile point may be set to a value between 0% to 100% of the maximum tooling die gap opening by
rotating the
Rotaly Knob
and pressing
(For definition of 0-100% see
As shown in Figure 2-11 Profile Mode Screen, the active profile point on the display is indicated by a
verse video bar. Its value is shown on the upper right hand corner of the LCD display as “
on Figure 2-11)
. Points displayed as “*” are interpolated values. If the value not displayed “*” its settled
program point, you can also see setting point with purple color line mark on profile left side as shown
Figure 2-11.
If “-“ is being displayed as a point value of left side of profile, that value has been set using
To cancel entered profile points, turn the Rotaly Knob counterclockwise until the display in the
upper right hand corner of the LCD display indicates “
: ---.-
“ and press the
Key or move
to the point where you want to cancel the green bar and delete the setting with the [DEL] key.
After deletion, it will be changed to interpolation value.
The scale of the profile display will automatically change between 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% as required.
The following Function Items are found in the area of the LCD display arround the parison profile.
Point No.
If the cursor placed on this value, the profile bar in the graph can be moved up and down by turn the
Rotaly Knob
, CW to move up and CCW to move down. Once decided cursor point on profile graph press
key, and cursor move to
If the cursor placed on this value, the profile thickness can be adjust increase and decrease by turn the
Rotaly Knob
, CW to increase and CCW to decrease. Once decided profile thickness on this profile point,
key, and cursor move back to
Point No.
* The profile adjustment affected to next start cycle.