2 Safety instructions
2.1 General notes
Warning of personal injury.
This device has been built and tested in compliance with the safety regulations for
measuring and control equipment for protection class I (protective grounding
conductor) according to IEC 1010/EN 61010 or VDE 0411.
The device was in perfect condition with regard to safety features when it left the
To maintain this condition and to ensure safe operation, the user must follow the
instructions and observe the warnings in this manual.
2.2 Intended use
The device is exclusively intended for use in weighing and dosing systems, and is
particularly suitable for tank and vessel scales, truck scales, platform scales, crane scales,
dosing systems and as a weight indicator in intelligent control systems.
Product operation, commissioning and maintenance must be performed by trained and
qualiied personnel who are aware of and able to deal with the related hazards and take
suitable measures for self-protection.
The device relects the state of the art.
No warranty is given that the product is free of faults, especially not in conjunction with
third-party software and hardware components required for operation.
The manufacturer does not accept any liability for damage caused by third-party system
components or due to incorrect use of the product. The use of this product signiies
recognition of the stipulations listed above.
2.3 Initial inspection
Check the contents of the consignment for completeness. Check the contents visually to
determine whether any damage has occurred during transport. If there are grounds for
rejection of the goods, a claim must be iled with the carrier immediately. The
Minebea Intec sales or service organization must also be notiied.
2.4 Before operational startup
Perform visual inspection.
Before operational startup as well as after storage or transport, inspect the device
visually for signs of mechanical damage.
Before operational startup, acceptance of the installation by an authorized expert is
Process Controller Maxxis 4 PR 5500
2 Safety instructions
Minebea Intec