PlatinumRAID Owner’s Manual
5.7 View Events/Mute Beeper
Use this entry to view events. If the buzzer is active, you may temporarily mute it using this
5.8 Generate Test Event
The PlatinumRAID can generate test events to confirm remote notifications are properly
working. To generate a test event, select
“Generate Test Event,”
check the box labelled
“Confirm the operation” and click the “Submit” Button.
5.9 Clear Event Buffer
“Clear Event Buffer”
to clear the event log. To complete the operation, check the box
labelled “Confirm the operation” and click the “Submit” Button.
5.10 Modify Password
The PlatinumRAID’s administrative functions can be protected with a password. To set or
change the RAID subsystem password, select
“Modify Password”
. The following screen has
three fields- Enter original password, Enter New Password, and Confirm (Re-Enter) New
Password. Type the current password in the “Enter Original Password” field (leave blank if no
current password defined.) Enter and reenter the new password in the next two fields (the
entries are case sensitive) to set a new password. To complete the operation, check the box
labelled “Confirm the operation” and click the “Submit” Button.
5.11 Upgrade Firmware
The PlatinumRAID’s firmware (operating control software) can be field upgradable. MicroNet
Support may direct you as to the operation of this option.
5.12 Restart Controller
To reset the RAID subsystem, select
“Reset Controller”
, check the box labelled “Confirm the
operation” and click the “Submit” Button.
6-RAID Controls-Web Interface