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The module enclosures are industrial standard 70mm wide cases designed to be
mounted onto DIN rail. The terminals are removable but in order to avoid
unnecessary stress we do not recommend removing them except for emergency
purposes, troubleshooting or setup.
Hardware observations:
All modules included
in the station setup
must be connected to
the uLINK bus and
must be powered from
a 12-15V DC supply.
They can be placed
anywhere on the uLINK bus as long as the daisy-chain
topology is maintained. The uLINK bus must be
properly terminated on both ends. Each module must
be grounded.
Ground every uLINK module to the
station central ground point or nearest ground point if
installed in the field.
Always observe proper polarity!
Modules can be connected to the bus in two ways
depending on priorities.
If the priority is keeping the network operating even
with limited functionality when a module must be
removed, connect incoming and outgoing data wires in
parallel to the A/B terminals as shown in the picture for
module #33. The shields of incoming and outgoing
cables must connected separately to the SH/SH'
If the priority is safety, the incoming data wires should
be connected to the terminals A/B and outgoing data
wires to terminals A'/B' as shown in the picture of
module #34.
Terminals A-A' and B-B' are connected together inside
the module. This means that removing the terminal
from a module actually breaks the bus when a module
is removed.
Every module has a general purpose input contact
input on the bottom terminal strip. This contact could
be used for safety purposes as a tamper or installation box door switch. When the input is active, the module
reports an INHIBIT state to SMDs and module cannot be used. If module is part of the active transmit path for
one or more SMDs, all SMDs effected go to TX lock state. The general purpose input is connected between the
IN and G terminals - G is connected internally to the power supply return and earth terminals. Input polarity of
can be reversed in the module configuration in Router, Configuration Management → Control Boxes, default is
uLINK modules wiring examples