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Break before make delay
Allows adjustment of this delay if the RF device box requires separate break and make control.
Specifies which the source of the frequency values used to control the outputs. If set for RX frequency,
the control box will automatically select main RX or RX2 frequency based on the path. For a TX
bandpass filter, control should be set to TX Frequency.
Band Plan
Specifies frequency vs. output switching table. Table is fully editable, separate frequency ranges can be
added or removed by
Insert band
Remove Band
buttons or altered by single clicking on selected
frequency display in the list. Output state can be set or cleared by double click on output matrix check
box. The table can be set to default values according to regional band map by clicking on
Default bands
The list box contains two special lines. First is marked as
No user
and specifies the output state if no
SMD is using the RF box. This state is also the default, power-up, not used state as well. The second
special line is
Out of bands
and permits specifying the state if the control frequency is outside the
defined ranges. When “
If frequency is out of bands set fixed value
” is not selected, the control box
will keep last used outputs until a frequency closer to another “band” segment is selected.
Each RF box R port can be linked to as many control boxes with the same or different function as necessary -
there is virtually no limit. If an RF box requires more than 20 wires for control, it is possible to add an additional
uLINK RELAY unit. If RF box needs a sequencer output for some timing and/or additional CI-V control both are
possible by simply assigning additional control boxes. The Control boxes can be derived from local ports as well
as uLINK modules.
The top two buttons are used for Control box management:
Add Control
Adds another control box for the selected RF box.
Remove Control
Removes extra control box from selected RF box.
Multiple Control boxes assigned to an RF box have no priority, each operates independently.
POWER AMPLIFIER controlled by uLINK DATA module
(DATA type)
Another predefined template for a two-port RF box is a Power Amplifier. It contains same Interconnections and
Rules sub-tab as FRQ type type of control with same meanings but uses a different control box - by default a
uLINK DATA module. Of course, a different type of Control box can be specified or multiple Control Boxes can
be added as for any RF box.
uLINK DATA module contains all the ports necessary for power amplifier control. The three Band Data ports
(RS-232 serial, BCD or CI-V) allow uLINK DATA to control almost any manual or automatic power amplifier
currently available, including popular automatic amplifiers by Acom, Icom, OM-Power, SPE or THP.
The uLINK network design allows a Power Amplifier and uLINK DATA module to be placed anywhere in the
setup topology (at a common path) and therefore shared by any station with access to the uLINK network.