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Rotators with discrete control - Parameters
SMD supports two types of rotators. First
is a rotator with discrete control – those in
which the controller can directly switch
power to motor and read its sensor. The
second type is a rotator with RS232 serial
port using one of supported protocols for
its control.
At the left side of the Rotator tab is an
azimuth circle with direction needle and
orange line around the circle. The orange
line displays the operating range of the
rotor; the black areas at the ends of the
are the portion of the operating range that is protected by the software limits. The black circle on the spiral
shows the current azimuth in relation to the full operating range.
The current azimuth is displayed numerically in upper left corner and indicated by the black pointer. The “target”
azimuth is displayed in the upper right corner and indicated by the gray needle. When the rotor reaches the
target value, the current and target values will be the same and the black needle will cover the gray one.
The right side of the Rotator tab contains controls for configuring the rotor interface and controlling its operation.
Displays the type of position feedback sensor. Options are:
if the position feedback is a
potentiometer or variable voltage position signal or
for pulse (magnetic/reed switch) feedback.
The sensor type is chosen during the calibration process and can not be changed directly. The sensor
must be connected as described in the “Connecting the Rotator” section of this manual.
AUX Output
Displays the function of the AUX relay. Options are
Speed, Brake,
AUX relay function is set
during the calibration process and can not be changed directly. When set to
the rotator interface
energizes the AUX relay once the antenna has moved a preset distance and releases the relay a
predetermined distance before the target. When set to
the rotator interface energizes the AUX
relay before the rotor stats its movement and holds the relay for the “Brake tail” period after the antenna
reaches its target.
The total range of the rotor in degrees. This value is calculated automatically in the calibration process
and can not be changed directly.
Software limit switch which sets a “safe zone” for stopping the motor before it reaches the end of travel.
Five (5) degrees means the motor will stop five degrees before reaching the physical limit. The same
value is used at both ends the rotation and applies to both manual and automatic operation. The limits
are represented by the black zones on the ends of the orange operational zone.
The rotator interface implements one of two strategies for reaching the target azimuth:
moves the antenna to the selected azimuth using the “shortest way around.” When the target
azimuth is outside the rotor limits (for example, a side mount rotor with a span less than 360 degrees),
the motor will not start.