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Rotator & 2
Rotator PORTS
The rotator and 2
rotator channel are used by host applications to control the azimuth of the current rotator.
Both rotator channels are active when selected work in parallel in last one win logic. The protocol is
Hy-Gain DCU-1
, select this rotor model in your application.
When a COM port is assigned in the Router but not in the
application (or the application is not running) Router will
indicate the channel is
When an application opens the COM port assigned for control (usually at start-up), Router shows the channel as
and displays baud rate, data bits, parity and number of stop bits used by the application. For example,
9600 8N2 means: 9600 baud, 8 bits data length, parity = none, and two stop bits.
Communication parameters on the two channels do not need to be same. The only requirement is 8 bit data.
Rotator control is only active if the selected Antenna (or multiple antennas) has an association with
Rotator (or multiple rotators) or if a Virtual Rotor group is selected for RX or TX. If the selected RX and
TX antennas in different Virtual Rotor groups, both virtual rotors are controlled simultaneously.
Opens a “Rotator Protocol Monitor” window to capture data between the application and the Rotator
control interface. Controls for the monitor include
Start, Stop, Clear
The Rotator Protocol Monitor should not be used under normal conditions. However, for debugging
purposes, it may be useful to
a capture and close the window. When a problem occurs, the window
can be opened and the Rotator Port log
for analysis.
The monitor log is circular – only the last 20 kilobytes or so will be saved in order to prevent creating very
large files.
If a line ends in three dots (...) it means that the command or response has been broken across two USB
The Auxiliary Port allows an application program to control an auxiliary device attached to the SERIAL port on
the rear panel of Station Master Deluxe Only serial in (RxD) and serial out (TxD) are supported. To enable the
Auxiliary port, add local Serial Port control for a given R port of controlled RF box, and set it to Auxiliary function.
When an application opens the Auxiliary port, Router
reports port as
and displays settings used to
configure COM port.
Data flowing through the channel are indicated by two arrows. The green arrow indicates data flow from the
application and a red arrow indicates data to the host application.
Opens an “Auxiliary Serial Port Monitor” window to capture data between the application and auxiliary
device. Controls for the monitor include
Start, Stop, Clear
The Auxiliary Serial Port Monitor functions are the same as the Rotator Port Monitor.
Auxiliary function
does not support
serial ports on uLINK DATA modules.