MDDR Subsystem
Microsemi Proprietary UG0446 User Guide Revision 7.0
Figure 73 •
Accessing MDDR from HPDMA
The steps for accessing the MDDR from the HPDMA are the same as in
from Cortex-M3 Processor" section on page 130
. Use the generated firmware project to access DDR
memory from the HPDMA through the MDDR. The HPDMA driver has the MSS_HPDMA_start() API to
initiate memory transfers and DDR memory from and to other memory locations. This API requires the
parameter’s source address, destination address, and number of bytes to transfer. For more Information
on how to use HPDMA, refer to the HPDMA chapter in
UG0331: SmartFusion2 Microcontroller
For information on timing diagrams, refer to the
"Timing Diagrams" section on page 52