5.15 Separation column
850 Professional IC–Anion – MSM-HC – MCS – LP Gradient
To protect the separation column against foreign particles, which can
affect the separating efficiency, we recommend that both the eluent and
the samples undergo a microfiltration (filter 0.45 µm) before being aspira-
ted via the 6.2821.090 aspiration filter.
serves for protect-
ing the actual separation columns and increases their service life consider-
ably. Information regarding which guard column is suitable for your sepa-
ration column can be seen in the
Metrohm IC Column Program
is available from your Metrohm agent), the information sheet provided
along with your separation column, the product information on the sepa-
ration column at
(product area Ion Chroma-
tography) or can be obtained directly from your agent.
must be installed in
order to protect the column material from pressure concussion caused by
Always store the separation columns sealed and filled according to the
data of the column manufacturer when not using them.
The regeneration is considered as the last measure, and not to be car-
ried out regularly.
If the separating properties of the column have deteriorated, the column
can be regenerated according to the specifications of the column manu-
facturer. In the case of separation columns available from Metrohm, the
specification for regeneration can be found on the information sheet pro-
vided along with each column.