Oled display
The top cover
Metal Master 06 Oled
designed to integrate an standard Oled
display with
128x32 pixel resolution
Oled display modifications
Before the Oled display can be installed into the chassis cover, it has to be modified. Otherwise it
would not fit. The modification is simple...
Remove the display carefully from the
board. It is held by an double-sided
adhesive film. Remove this film and replace
it with a thin double-sided adhesive film.
Be careful with the flat flexible wire.
Place the display back onto the board.
But change the position 2mm to the front.
Reduce the length of the board. Remove
1-2mm material up to the solder joints.
Remove the black protection foil from
the flat wire behind the display.
Cover and insulate the solder joints with
liquid rubber and tape.