Mercedes-Benz Body & Equipment Guideline for Metris - BM 447, Version November 27, 2015.
Please observe the revision notes compared to 09/18/2015 ! Only print out complete sections of the current version!
7.4 Interior
7 Modifications to the basic vehicle
Handling airbag and emergency tensioning
retractor units
Removed airbag units must always be stored in such
a way that the upholstered side faces upwards. If the
upholstered side faces downwards, the airbag unit
will be catapulted through the air if it is triggered
accidentally. This can lead to personal injury.
Testing and installation work may only be carried out
and/or supervised by trained personnel.
Airbag and emergency tensioning retractor units may
only be subjected to electrical tests using the specified
testers when installed. We recommend that tests be
carried out at a Mercedes-Benz Service Center.
The assembly and disassembly of airbag and emer-
gency tensioning retractor units may only be carried
out when the battery is disconnected, the negative
terminal or negative pole is covered up and the test
connector/connector is disconnected.
Airbag and emergency tensioning retractor units may
only be removed from storage immediately before
assembly. After disassembly, airbag and emergency
tensioning retractor units must be put into storage
If work is interrupted, the airbag and emergency ten-
sioning retractor units must be locked away again.
Airbag and emergency tensioning retractor units may
not be treated with grease, cleaning agents or other
similar products.
The airbag and emergency tensioning retractor units
may not be exposed to temperatures above 100 °C,
even for a short period of time.
Airbag and emergency tensioning retractor units must
be replaced if they are dropped from a height of more
than 0.5 m.
Transporting and storing airbag units and
emergency tensioning retractor units
Transporting pyrotechnical airbag units and emergency
tensioning retractor units in the passenger compart-
ment is not permitted.
Transportation should always be carried out using the
replacement part packaging and utilizing the vehicle
luggage compartment or load compartment.
Removed airbag units must always be stored in such
a way that the upholstered side faces upwards. If the
upholstered side faces downwards, the airbag unit
will be catapulted through the air if it is triggered
accidentally. This can lead to personal injury.