SP_Inst02 /02_20220208
Instruction Manual For ShellPa Pro (Model type : STMP)
Lifescience Dept. Menicon Co.,Ltd.
<Summary of each interface>
(Main menu):
Select of stretch and relax pattern, and switching “Stretch
Stop system” mode on and off.
Other, enter to “Stretch
Stop system setting” interface or “parameter setting” interface.
(Operating Pattern A):
Start and Stop operation of stretch and relax movement in Pattern A.
(Operating Pattern A Setting):
Setting parameter of stretch and relax movement in Pattern A.
(Data Output):
Output data (parameter, wave record etc.) of stretch and relax movement in Pattern A.
(Stretch-Stop system Monitoring):
Watching ea
ch time(“Stretch time” , “Stop time”, “Number of sets”) on “Stretch
Stop system”.
And reset all counts of “Stretch
Stop system”.
(H-C): Calculation to covert time into cycle counts.
(Stretch-Stop system Setting):
Setting and Checking each time(“Stretch time” , “Stop time” , “Number of sets”) on “Stretch
system”. And reset all counts of “Stretch
Stop system”.
Setting Ca Time, and
“Set Position” and “Pin
Gap adjust” etc.