SP_Inst02 /02_20220208
Instruction Manual For ShellPa Pro (Model type : STMP)
Lifescience Dept. Menicon Co.,Ltd.
(Attention) On stretch and relax movement(
displayed “
NO SET Position
, you cannot change
from “
Operating Pattern
screen to “
Main menu
” screen
(This is interlock).
<Stop operation>
Push “STOP” button on “Operating Pattern”
Stretch and relax movement will stop completely on the end of Stretch and relax cycle.
From p
ushing “STOP” button
to stretch and relax movement cycle finishes,
“START” button is
lighting and “STOP” button is flashing
(Attention) On this time, machine is moving, please attention!!
“START” button is flashing and “STOP”
button is lighting, when machine completely stop. And,
“SET Position”
is displayed and light same its around
area. (“SET Position” indicates that “
and relax point (bar)
is located on origin.).
<Forced Stop>
“Forced Stop” operatio
n is to press and hold
“STOP” button
for 3 seconds and more, on stretching
and relaxing movement.
After that operation, screen below will be shown on
“Main menu”
is displayed, when “Forced Stop” is finished
, completely
“Forced Stop” will be used if you stop stretch and relax movement immediately.
“Stop operation” is the cycle stop (after finishing stretch, relax and
standstill, Machine stop.).
Stop” can stop machine
immediately, and
tretch and relax point(bar)
” move to “set
Press and hold
for 3 seconds and more.