SP_Inst02 /02_20220208
Instruction Manual For ShellPa Pro (Model type : STMP)
Lifescience Dept. Menicon Co.,Ltd.
3. Basic function and operation
3.1. Selecting stretch pattern
On “ShellPa Pro”,
you can practice operation of some stretch and relax patterns.
Select of each stretch and relax pattern is done in
“Main menu”
(Please check area inside the red line in “Main menu” screen below.)
Please check below explanation of each pattern.
<Pattern A (Sq., Tri., ST.): Square wave + Standstill>
You can practice stretch and relax cell culture on constant speed. And you can set standstill time.
Please refer to wave
on “Operating Pattern” screen below
This pattern generally is conducted on observation of standard stretch and relax cell culture.
<Pattern B1 (Sin.): Sine wave>
You can practice stretch frequency (sine wave frequency). This pattern is reproduction of physical
beating (ex: heart beating
and movement(ex: muscle stretching and relaxing). Please refer to
wave on “Operating Pattern” screen below.